Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Filipino Values Month Celebration

          Children nowadays are already different. Gadgets have consumed them already. Most of their time is consumed in playing games and surfing the net. They are not using their time correctly.
Image result for effects of gadgets on children          In this generation, children choose to join with their gadgets instead of communicating with their family and friends. In this situation, communication or the relation between a parent and a child is affected. And also their attention is focused on social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and games. So, we must use our gadgets, we have tendency to disregard our surroundings and focused on our games and social media accounts. If we became more conscious in using our gadgets, we can reconnect physically and emotionally to our surroundings and the people around us. Cellphones are not prohibited as long as we know our limitations.
          To sum up, we must realize that we have to give more value to relations than material things.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Reading = Success

          If someone asked you to name one trait that truly sets successful people apart, what would pop into your head? Talents? Resources? Innovative ideas? All those things make a difference but one thing that remain constant is reading a lot. 
Image result for reading success          Why is reading important? Is it because the better a reader a student is, the easier of a time that student has understanding directions for assignment, easier for the student to complete the assigned work, easier for the student to complete an essay? Those are only parts of why students success depends so hugely in reading. Reading books is important. You can acquire knowledge, increase memory and imagination, able to do more and better critical thinking and it improves language and communication skills. Especially for children and young adults, because it makes them stronger to face the challenges of the future.
          Educators have said for years how important reading is for student. Reading is important for life success. The more  you know, the smarter you grow- so pick something and read.

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