Sunday, December 2, 2018

Hope of the Future

          We all know that being an engineer, architect, doctor,  teacher or nurse is hard. Indeed, there is no easy profession but is there harder profession that being a parent? For me, this is the hardest career in this world. Some plans in facing this kind of challenge but some also are already a parent not in their right age. 
Related image        Responsibility of the father and mother to take care of their child in good or bad times. This will test the length of your patience as a parent. Taking good care starts in regular feeding of your child.  The most effective way to improve the health condition of a child is through breast feeding.  It needs also the full force of the parents in order the child to grow good and healthy. This means that the parents should give or provide enough time for their child. Education, Good manners and Discipline  should be first learned at home. In order the child to grow good and be a useful citizen someday. 
          If a child will grow with discipline, he or she will be an inspiration and a good example to others. It is based on how you care and how you discipline your child. 

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