Tuesday, March 12, 2019


     Laughter, sadness, excitement, memories has filled this room. Days and months have passed and now we were going bid goodbyes. In the past months, we encountered many problems and gained lessons.
This 4th quarter, Photoshop is the centre of our classes. We already used Photoshop in Grade 8 and elementary when working for the school paper. However, I mostly just cropped things I made them black and white. This class has allowed me to explore this program a lot more and I’ve seen all the really cool things that it can do. I learned how to lay out a page- how to add photos, text, filters, blend colours, manipulate layers etc. Working with Photoshop was challenging yet fun. I will treasure and share the skills I’ve gained and lessons I’ve learned. 
I may now leave this classroom but all the memories and lesson I’ve gained will cherished forever.

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