Wednesday, July 25, 2018

State of the Nation Address 2018

SONA or State of the Nation Address, how important it is? For those who are not interested they take it for granted but for us students, it’s important to know what our president want to in our country because this is one of the key to our future.
Third State of the Nation Address of President Duterte. He tackled first the war against drugs. He said that he cares for his country and future of the generation. Yes, many people are against but can we not remember that he is the only president who has the guts to fight against drugs. The past president promised to face out drugs but what had happened to their administration. Drug lords had multiplied and addicts are all around but can we observe today in his administration. The fight against drugs has lessen. Addicts are voluntarily surrender because of his advocacy against drugs. It is for our future not him. He also said that human right means giving a decent and dignified future. He ends his statement,” You worry about the present, I worry about the future.” He means about the drugs.
Another is about corruption. Corruption must stop he said. We must start for the LGU or the Local Government Unit because it begins corruption in the small government. He also said that love of money is corrosive. Yes, in my own opinion and observation, corruption is everywhere. How can we make our country grow if ion a small community has this corruption? What is our future then? President Duterte is not just a president but a good leader. Why? Because he cares about his people. In Marawi he tackled also the legality of Bangsamoro. The care about the Muslim even though the Marawi war had come. He cares for the children. Why? It’s simply for the improvement of rural health unit. The health of the children. Why we cannot give a decent rural health unit of every municipality. Give them because children are our future.
So we Filipino people must hold on to the promise of our president because he is our leader but take note that he cannot do by his own without our cooperation and love to our country. His promise is a promise to hold on for our future. We must fight and help him to achieve all this for better country.

Healthy Life is in our Hands

              “Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrition Aanihin” Yes, it’s easy to say but it’s hard to do. In our generation today, we cannot say that people especially children has a good nutrition. Why I say so? Because we can observe that not all the children are eating vegetables. They choose to go to the fast food to eat. Are we not aware of those disease that are coming out today? Malnutrition is one of the most problem today.
                We reminisce the past when our grandfather and grandmother or the ancestors. Their way of eating habits especially those who are in the provinces. They plant in their backyard some vegetables, in their fields full of healthy vegetables. Can we observe that their lives gone longer than of the lives of today? Why? It’s simply because of their nutrition habits. They certainly eat meat mostly on fruits and vegetables. Can we not get that tradition of our ancestors so that good nutrition will be back in our generation?
                Food Gardening is important. Why? First, you have an additional food. If you plan for the food gardening, you will harvest everyday. Second, you'll have a food security. You will not be hungry. Another is you can cut down on you grocery budget. Growing your own food can save you money. One of the biggest advantage of food gardening is you can make it as a family hobby. Gardening if a fun, family-friendly activity that allows kids to get their hands dirty and learn where their food comes from. From planting seedlings to building salad together, starting a vegetable garden is a great way to get your family off the couch and onto their feet.
                Yes, the secret is in our hands. If we believe in our ancestors- the way of our ancestors of having a good nutrition, there is no more cancers, no more malnutrition and no more serious diseases in this world. Why wait for tomorrow if we can do it now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Letter To The President

Dear Mr. President,
I’m Crystel Joy Rola, a student of Ilocos Sur National High School. I’m writing you today to share my thoughts about the controversial of tokhang.
            I become interested to this because as of years that you’ve been our president, it’s still a big issue on the television and newspaper about tokhang. Our municipality is a drug free zone but still drugs is still existing.
            Tokhang I know is about convincing the users and pushers to stop using and selling illegal drug because it ruins the future of every mankind but then the action of the Philippine National Police was not convincing because they kill forcely every users and pushers.
            And now Mr. President, may I request you that you may response to this and is there any solutions that users and pushers will keep safe in every operation that no one can be harm or killed.
            So then sir, may I thank you for reading this simple letter from a simple student. Thank you very much and God Bless.
Yours Sincerely,
                                                                                                                        Crystel Joy Rola

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Freedom's Sacrifice

    June 12, 2018 marked the 120th celebration of the Philippine Independence Day. It's been a century and almost two decades since General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the Philippine Declaration of Independence on June 12, 1898 in Kawit, Cavite, after being liberated from more than three centuries of Spanish colonization. I have to ask, why do we celebrate Independence Day?
     Mainly because it commemorates the Filipino's declaration of their inherent right to freedom and independence. Another was because June 12 had been also observed as the "Flag Day" in the Philippines since it was the first time the Philippine Flag was officially waved. And it brings honor and love for the heroes who spent their lives to end the abuses of Spain. It gave way to the Philippines for self-government, learning to be more educated and civilized.
     Our freedom was once taken from us by fellow Filipinos. If we're not vigilant, this can happen again. May we never lose our hope and patience with the ways of democracy. We should not waste the freedom earned by blood and sacrifices of our forefathers and heroes.