Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Healthy Life is in our Hands

              “Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrition Aanihin” Yes, it’s easy to say but it’s hard to do. In our generation today, we cannot say that people especially children has a good nutrition. Why I say so? Because we can observe that not all the children are eating vegetables. They choose to go to the fast food to eat. Are we not aware of those disease that are coming out today? Malnutrition is one of the most problem today.
                We reminisce the past when our grandfather and grandmother or the ancestors. Their way of eating habits especially those who are in the provinces. They plant in their backyard some vegetables, in their fields full of healthy vegetables. Can we observe that their lives gone longer than of the lives of today? Why? It’s simply because of their nutrition habits. They certainly eat meat mostly on fruits and vegetables. Can we not get that tradition of our ancestors so that good nutrition will be back in our generation?
                Food Gardening is important. Why? First, you have an additional food. If you plan for the food gardening, you will harvest everyday. Second, you'll have a food security. You will not be hungry. Another is you can cut down on you grocery budget. Growing your own food can save you money. One of the biggest advantage of food gardening is you can make it as a family hobby. Gardening if a fun, family-friendly activity that allows kids to get their hands dirty and learn where their food comes from. From planting seedlings to building salad together, starting a vegetable garden is a great way to get your family off the couch and onto their feet.
                Yes, the secret is in our hands. If we believe in our ancestors- the way of our ancestors of having a good nutrition, there is no more cancers, no more malnutrition and no more serious diseases in this world. Why wait for tomorrow if we can do it now.

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