Saturday, October 20, 2018

Guro Filipino: Turo mo Kinabukasan Ko

          The difference between a really great teacher and one who does not teach well can have a lasting effects on students. Teachers trully care about their students and want to make sure they are learning.  Teachers work diligently to make sure students understand the materials at a deep level and become more interested in the subject matter. Teachers are probably the most underrated yet the most powerful professionals in the whole world.  Their works has a long term impact on not just lives of the students they teach but on society as a whole.  They have the power to shape generetion,  impact minds and make the world a better place.  Teachers should be called fillers because they fill the gaps and crevices in a childs life.  A good teacher is someone who can think a student,  look like a parent and behave like a boss.  Every word they say, every class they take, every papers they grade goes on the change of lives.
          It might not be paid to teach your students the value of life but your salaries are far to miniscule considering that your word will reasonable inside the stufents mind for the rest of their lives. Your words are the sparks that light up students future. Students eventually forget what they read in books but they will always remember how awesome a teacher was.  Students have become a better person because of a wonderful person like you. Students school years will be priceless memory because teachers who always make sure they were happy. Students are safeguarded from all of lives negative influences because teachers shower their love in tan and not just ounces. No matter how hard parents try to give their children to be best of values, they will ultimately grow up to be young,  adults, whose personalities are shaped by teachers. 
         As the years fly by,  technology will change,  society will change and education will change but one thing that will remain constant is the value of good teacher. It is impossible to put a price tag on the kind of education students receive because as a teacher your guidance is truly priceless. 
         Great inventors and leaders are not born. They are motivated and inspired to do great things by great teachers.

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