Saturday, October 20, 2018

Today’s Seed, Tommorow’s Fruit

          The days intended for the 2nd quarter has come into an end.          This grading period became very challenging and difficult for me.I encountered difficulty in managing my time with my family and school.
    ‎In the middle of this quarter we experience heavy rains which cause the government to suspend classes in all levels for safety. The days that were wasted because of the typhoon causes us struggle in catching up  all the lessons and activities intended for the second quarter.
    ‎It was very exhausting because of the unending requirements and quizzes but I realized that instead of complaining , it is better to do your work because complaining will not help you succeed in life.
    ‎We are still students and we are still on the process of gaining and discovering new things. All we need is to be patient and work hard on every task that is given to us. We may experience difficultly now but tomorrow you will harvest the fruit of success.

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