Thursday, February 14, 2019

Kannawidan Insight

          Our province Ilocos Sur has a rich heritage and unique cultures and traditions that we Ilocanos must preserve for the next generation. We must give importance and be proud of that. 
                One of these is the Kannawidan Ylocos Festival. Kannawidan is an Ilocano term which means "a feast of all heritages,  practices and products. " This year will be its 195th Anniversary.  Its main thrust is tourism promotion through the presentation of the talents,  native costumes,  traditions, cultures and products. This Kannawidan Ylocos Festival aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province' rich cultural heritage,  practices and traditions and a showcase  of the different agriculture and industry products. 
              Dance craze, Battle of the bands, Mr.  Kannawidan muscle showdown,  Search for Saniata,  Car and Motorcycle show,  Street dancing and showdown that show off the OTOP of the 34 towns and cities,  horse racing,  chef wars,  rodeo fiesta, game fowl and pigeon expo,  rhythm festival,  3rd Gov. Ryan Singson Motor cross Cup,  Kannawidan Mini Fwd Race,  karambola and drag race are the activities they offer. This is to show how part of the culture of the people of Ilocos Sur has modified through the years.

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