Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Great Start

     ICT is one of the most interesting subjects. Because you are dealing with computers. Because of this many inventions, children nowadays love surfing in the internet.  They don't know its benefits.  In ict 10, I learned about internet, search engines. 
     In the first quarter, we can't avoid encountering challenges.  I have encountered problems like managing my time. There are lots of projects and outputs and I can't focus on it because of the lack of time. There is an instances that I didn't ass my requirements on time.  Another is the self-doubt and confidence. Because of the lack of confidence, I doubted myself. In every article that I made, I felt like the piece I made was wrong. In every discussion, I wanted to recite but the negative thinking covers me. 
     I solved my problem by focusing on my lectures and time management. For me, to over come that, I learned to divide my time in every task that I am going to do. Another is boosting my self confidence. It is one of the ways to be comfortable in every actions and decision you will make. 
     Moving on, I will use this as my motivation fot the upcoming quarters. My leraning this time will surely guide me in the future. I am excited for more classes to come! 
     This has been a great start! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree on what you have stated that ICT subject can teach us many things as well as it can provide us useful techniques on how to use the different application that can be seen in our computer.
