Thursday, August 23, 2018

Filipinos: Joyous even after calamities

          Hurricanes, Floods, Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, Thunderstorms, Typhoons, Monsoon rains. Philippines, one of the countries in the world that is afflicted with almost all kinds of natural calamities all year around.
          Philippines is situated above the equator and has the warmest ocean temperatures. Another is the location of Philippines. It is within the Pacific Ring of Fire . That is some of the reasons why Philippines is a disaster prone country Another is the Filipinos, themselves. Only few towns are implementing proper waste disposal. Others don't mind when it comes to proper segregation, disposal, and management of garbage. Garbage is thrown everywhere that causes clogging of drainage wherein the rain flows. Another is the deforestation, the forest are cleared or bald. Kaingin, mining and illegal logging are some of the human bad activities or habits that causes soil erosion and landslides that may kill many people.
          Despite the negative outcomes of the calamities, Filipinos remain resilient and strong. They still see something good and funny in every bad situation. Like for instances, students are happy when classes are suspended . But other students, attend schools even during disaster. And citizens who are working forced themselves to do their job no matter how hard it is. But some people prefer to stay at home when they feel it isn't safe to go out. Resilience is a character that Filipinos are very proud of, being hopeful while experiencing hard situations like calamities.

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